"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

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Friday, January 29, 2010

SSI Dropped the Ball

SSI dropped the ball. We found out they have had Joseph's SSI application sitting on someone's desk for 4 months now. We went in today and were finally delighted to hear his file is awaiting determination and everything is complete. Hopefully, they will make their decision in our favor soon.

We also found out that Gabriela's previous family never received a US Certificate of Citizenship even though she came over on an IR3 Visa and applied for her Social Security card under resident status only, so we have to go to the Department of Homeland Security in San Bernadino to fix it, get a US Certificate of Citizenship, and then fix her SS card. Social Security will not fix her name on her SS card unless we do this despite our battling with them. We had been told that once a child has an IR3 Visa they are automatically a US Citizen, but no one ever told us that they expire after a year. We understood the IR3 Visa to be the Gold Standard among adoptions, but the Gold Standard as far as US Citizenship goes for a child adopted abroad is not even a US birth certificate but a US Certificate of Citizenship. The US Certificate of Citizenship is supposed to be automatically mailed, but we never received one for Michael either. We also were told we would have to apply to update the names on Joseph and Joshua's US Certificates of Citizenship, which they did receive fortunately but now since our adopting them their last name in particular is wrong. So basically, we are in the same boat for Gabriela and Michael and also have to deal with Joseph and Joshua's. That's four of them, and they are very expensive.

Please keep our struggle through more red tape for the welfare of our children and God's financial provision for it in your daily prayers.

Jennifer Richardson RN

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