"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Update on Joseph's Heart Surgery

I received a phone call from the cardiologist and was fortunate to discuss Joseph. Joseph has been having chest pain on and off pretty much daily. The cardiologist wants to give him a Stress Test, which is a test that studies how the heart manages at increasing levels of activity and exercise. It is scheduled this coming Monday afternoon on the 23rd. Then cardiology will discuss surgery again and how urgently he needs to have it done. Once Joseph has surgery (both parts) and has healed, the length of his life and the quality of his life will improve drastically. It is pretty much a sure thing that he will be getting a pacemaker, again the question is when. The first surgery in the double switch procedure for Jseph's heart surgery involves them putting a band around the artery off the left ventricle. Normally that is the ventricle that pumps blood to the body and can stand high pressure, but Joseph's left ventricle has only been pumping to his lungs under low pressure his whole life. In order for his left ventricle in his heart to handle the pressures of pumping to the body after the surgery, they will put a band around the artery to increase the pressure so over time his left ventricle will get stronger. The second half of the surgery is usually 3 to 6 months after the first surgery. It has not been decided when they will put in the pacemaker. After we have results on the stress test and look at the big picture at conference on Wednesday, then we will know more. We just have to take it one piece of the puzzle at a time. Joseph is now on activity restrictions of no strenuous activity such as running, wrestling, rolling on the floor, and hanging off the bunkbed. We moved him to the lower bunk to help decrease the temptaton of hanging off the bunkbed because he likes to do that. He is such a little monkey. It is really hard for him, and I don't think he understands. I just tell him the doctors and mommy are trying to help his heart stop hurting.

Please keep Joseph in prayers as well as all of us.


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