"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

What The Kids Are Learning

Michael and Gabriela had the opportunity to work on a new computer program that incorporates spelling, reading skills, and phonics with cute videos, music and animation. Both kids are really enjoying the computer time.

Michael is reading Sherlock Holmes, while Gabriela is reading The Masterharper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Both receive help with the occasional hard word that they don't understand, but what amazes me is that they understand the stories. It delights me to no end to see them enjoying and actually understanding the stories. It is really fun to discuss the stories with them as they slowly move through these lengthy stories. I look forward to talking with them through the year, as I expect they will take a while to finish these books due to their length. They also like to pick up and read easier chapter books.

Both are also learning multiplication and division tables, and had the opportunity for on-going gymnastics class.

Shawna is learning to say her ABC's, and loves to dance to Sesame Street and Elmo.

Fun, fun. It is so wonderful watching them blossom.

Blessings, Faith and Love,

Jennifer Richardson

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