"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

Donations and Gifting

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We have had many changes in the past few weeks. We have simplified our things, held garage sales, given things to charity, slimmed down some, gone through stuff and pruned.

We have found a new house and moved. We sold our home, and the Lord has blessed us with the resources we needed to move. We have no garage as it is a mobile home, but it is slightly bigger. Thank you Lord for taking care of our family. We still live in Riverside. Having that major move behind us has even helped me.

It was a move which involved great blessings, great miracles, divine intervention from our sovereign Lord, and great pain and betrayal. We lost things we treasured and gained peace we desparately sought.

The medical challenges the children each have are still quite time consuming. We hope to make to a few more park days this year and be a bit more involved. We have started school again for the new year, and the kids are excited. Michael is starting a foreign language. Gabriela is reading Charlotte Bronte. Joseph has some new tools to help with his FAS and microcephaly and learning the funadamentals. Josh loves math, and I am excited to see how much he has progressed already. Counting by 2's and 3's and 5's were a struggle last year, and already he can do these skills now so easily. Shawna is much more interested in learning, and all the kids are excited.

I was thinking about ways I can be more organized, with grading, report cards etc. I was wondering how others did it and what works for you.

Thank you St. Rita, St. Jude and Jesus, Mary and Joseph for your intercession and divine intervention.

Praise you Lord,
Mom to 5 great kids
Michael 14
Gabriela 12
Joseph 9
Joshua 7
Shawna 4

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"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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