"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July - Independence Day

What a fabulous day!!

It was a day that started at the crack of dawn and was filled with so much fun. The best 4th of July by far in a while.

We were honored to be invited to a Wish event which including getting up at 5am to be a Newport Harbor by 730 am with wheelchair, medication, oxygen, and medical supplies in tow with 5 kids. We were part of the Newport Harbor 4th of July Boat Parade which including a ride on a very nice large boat for many wish families. We also enjoyed breakfast off the boat and lunch back on the boat later. Being an all day affair, the Captain and Crew even accommodated the extensive food allergies of two of my kids with a stunning fruit plate. Breakfast was pancakes, eggs and ham. Later, lunch was hotdogs, chicken, macaroni and cheese and french fries. And of course, all you can drink drinks with cola, orange juice, sparkling apple cider and water. Ice cream sundaes topped it off. We enjoyed the photographers, music, magician, temporary tattoes and amazing weather with ocean breezes as we cruised down the bay. None of the kids got seasick. Praise the Lord. In fact, they (and Scott and I) had so much fun that we were all disappointed to see it end at 2:30 pm. The kids even got to visit with our friends the Buchbinders with Sherry, her husband and Doc-Barker.

Getting home about 4:00 pm after such a long day, the kids were full of energy to try and sell a few things in a later holiday yard sale. It was great to give me the chance to go through some things in the garage and do some laundry. We closed the even barbequing chicken, steak and hotdogs. We even found some gluten free soda for Michael and Gabriela.

What a long day!

Michael only had one seizure that lasted less than a minute at that end of the day. Not too bad. We were very glad he was feeling better today.

What amazed me most was the six Orange County sheriff's who lift Michael out of the boat for breakfast and back onto the boat to continue the cruise with Michael still in his wheelchair and no wheelchair lift. Lifting Michael was amazing. The showed strength, worked as a clear team, kept him level and safe, and lifted him smoothly both times. That was just awesome to see. Michael thought it was great fun, putting both hands up in the air and declaring "I am King" loud and clear. It was a good laugh for everyone.

Joseph went to bed on oxygen and monitors not feeling good. He has been on an event monitor for his heart, so we recorded an EKG of his heart which the doctors will review in the morning. Up until now, the recordings of his heart have been nothing to worry about, alluding to the fact that this may be his pulmonary hypertension acting up. We pray this is still the case. I will surely follow up with the doctors in the morning to see what they say about the recordings. Praying that sleep is all Joseph needs.

May God Bless Your Journey,
Jennifer Richardson

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