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Psalm 82 v 3

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Proposed National Health Care - Against / Getting Your Attention

On the extreme side, the government having our health history could be worse than devastating. Some people might say this is an exaggeration, but I don't think so. Look at what Hitler did when he decided he did not like anyone who was less than a perfect Aryan German. He gained power, and no one stood up against him until millions of souls were killed. Is this proposed National Health Care Plan in everyone's best interest? Perhaps, not. Passing this health care bill may open some doors that we don't like. Later, it would be too late; I would hate to look back and wish the health care bill had never been passed. While the US government may not open concentration camps today, they have in the past. Having our health history certainly makes it much easier for the government to decide that people with a specific history should be euthanized or denied health. Look at what happened to the lady whose food was taken away. I do not agree with that. I believe it is handing way too much power to the government. I value my freedom and the freedom of my children way to much to agree to pass a bill such as this. What if the government decides people with a history of heart disease or high cholesterol cost too much and cut benefits for only those people; that is just another form of discrimination. To me, it sounds like boiling a frog; if you start at a cold temperature and turn it hotter really slowly, the frog will cook to death and not even know it. I believe this health care in the hands of the government is dangerous, and I encourage everyone to speak up and contact their government officials. I just don't think we can afford to be quiet on this one, and I don't think this is an exaggeration either. What happens if the government decides that medications will no longer be covered for a specific group. This has the ability for discrimination at its worst! Should we have to pay a hefty financial penalty if we don't like the insurance plans that are offered? Who would we sue? The government? Who is liable then? When the government controls health care and chooses to deny care to everyone with diabetes because they have to cut spending, or decides no medications will be covered because they have to balance the budget, or decides everyone with a history of cancer will not be covered because they cost to much, who are you going to sue? The government?

I don't want my son's health care controlled by my government. Health care control belongs in the hands of doctors and their patients, not in the hands of government or insurance companies. I want the best for my kids and my son. I don't believe the government or an insurance company for that matter can make a better decision than a parent, a patient, or their doctor. Period. I don't believe any health care proposal the supports abortion is the answer.

Don't you want health care? Of course. But, we are already paying for it twice. Once through the premiums, and a second time through our taxes. We don't need to pay for health care a third time through penalties and higher taxes as proposed. The proposed plan will cost money to implement. Where is that money going to come from? Us, our taxes, and our children's taxes.

Is there a better way? In Virgina, CNN reported a medical group who eliminated processing claims due to the high overhead and instead charges patients lower fees. It makes sense. How much can a practice be making anyway with the tons of paperwork required to process a medical claim? Not as much as you think.

If you have read this post, good. I am glad I have your attention! That is the whole purpose of this post. I urge you to read the proposed National Health Care Plan for yourself. Do not just rely on what you have heard from others. Health care is a very important issue. You should be involved because it affects you. You might be surprised at what is really in there.

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