"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Psalm 82 v 3

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Praise the Lord

Joseph is doing better than he ever has. His pressures are the lowest they have ever been. His pulmonary hypertension is stable and improved. His heart rate at night has also been more stable and higher than in the past, which is a great sign as far as his Rhythm Disorder. He is also less symptomatic, which is fabulous.

Praise you Lord, for you are our reason. Amen.


Good News and Rough News

Well, it is a mystery why Michael's blood sugars go as high as 212. His HgAic is normal and lower than the last one, which have been 5.4, 5.6 and 5.0 respectively. Endocrine states it is not at all diabetes, and the HgA1c tells us that. We do know that it makes him feel quite awful though in many respects. He has not had a blood sugar lower than a 100 in a long time either. We pray his other doctors can figure it out.

Michael's pressures according to the Stress Echocardiogram he had though did come back abnormal and are high for him. The test was to rule out Pulmonary Hypertension. At least it is super mild at this point, however it does at least explain a few things.

Interesting though, that even though his lupus has been well controlled for months, that he keeps getting more diseases. Some related, and clearly some not. This tells us it is not all lupus.

Michael also started having seizures again.

Lord, we pray for healing for Michael, In Jesus Name, Amen.


I Will Be With You Wherever You Go

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

We have a heart for orphaned children, abandoned children, special needs children, parents of each of these children, adoption, Liberia, Ethiopia, Africa, and the Children in Need of Loving Homes around the World and our prayers are with each of them.

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